Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Writing Conference

How do you choose a writing conference to attend? Time? Money? Distance from home? Quality of the Speakers?

There are so different things writing conferences offer. This year I have a problem. In Montana, there are few conferences offered. I want to attend SCBWI. I want to attend Authors of the Flathead. I hoped to attend Romance Writers.

Well guess what. All the conferences happen the SAME weekend. The only conferences in Montana all happen on the same date. Are you kidding me?

If you haven't attended a writing conference you must! Find a way - figure it out. My amazing writing group happened because of a conference. What you'll learn is invaluable. You'll be super inspired by all the other creative people with a passion for writing.

If expense is the reason you've held back, attend virtual WriteOnCon conference. I love this conference, too. It isn't the same as being at a live conference, but I learn something each year. This will be my third year attending.

Wish me luck deciding which conference to attend. I'll need it.